Here's an update on kiro! I decided to update the character and polish his iconic design. I wanted to make the helmet look more like a rose than a leaf🍁
The number above its name indicates the unit's specification, after all, it is a machine.
This is Kiro's real look, as if he were a "proto-form", like Orion pax before he became Optimus. It has a simpler look because it's not a war machine like its Kiro form.
This is Bash Boy, a kind of pimp robot who goes to parties and sells illegal stuff. I made this look inspired by The Mask.
I was inspired by Shockwave to design this robot, I thought it would be really cool to add a helmet that looks like a bat.
This robot is a scientist who conducts illegal experiments on machines and humans. Not much is known about him, only his war crimes
This is a healer robot, his name is S.T.U, the acronym stands for "universal treatment system". I wanted to give him a different, friendlier look, so I took inspiration from larry & lawrie from brawlstars.
S.T.U. is a war robot that heals other troops. He's got an arsenal of mass murder and some doctor's trinkets
Well, that was all. I hope y'all enjoyed my OCs ✨